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Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

The idea behind laser toning is subcellular selective photo-thermolysis. In this case, the laser emits a particular wavelength of light that is effectively absorbed by the target chromophore. As a result, there is a decrease in the number of epidermal melanocytes, with just the melanosomes being killed and the melanocytes remaining intact.

With traditional techniques, pigment-containing cells are destroyed, which causes inflammation to occur and cause re-pigmentation or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). The little amount of heat produced by a laser lowers the likelihood of recurrence. At Agelock, we provide picosecond laser toning technology, much more advanced than other available technology.

What should you expect from the procedure?

Patients may have a sensation of heat when the laser handpiece hovers over the skin after the operation, but it is a safe, effective, and painless treatment. Since laser toning is a non-ablative procedure, the skin is not harmed. Because there is no bruising or swelling, patients can resume their normal activities right afterward. Toning normally takes 4-6 sessions and can be used on many body regions in addition to the face. One searches for a brightness impact on the skin because the facial hair also experiences a bleaching effect and falls off further.

Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation
Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

Benefits of Laser Toning

The following skin issues are helped by laser toning:

Melasma: Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of this coloring. Laser toning makes it easier to get rid of these persistent marks swiftly and successfully.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): An epidermal pigmentation disease that develops after a burn or other injury. Laser toning helps to minimize them.

Dark Spots: Laser Toning improves skin tone by selectively targeting the pigmentation.

Freckles: Laser toning has demonstrated good effectiveness in reducing the appearance of freckles, which are a genetic condition.

Dark circles: For those who have dark circles and are unable to adequately manage them with other treatments, laser toning is quite helpful.

Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

Precautions to be taken before and after the procedure:

  • Cover up with hats and clothing that protect you from the sun. Throughout the entire laser toning treatment and after finishing the complete course, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and PA+++.
  • For better results, prime the skin with skin-lightening products or other products, as advised by the dermatologist, for at least 2-3 weeks before the treatment.
  • Don't tan the body parts that will receive laser toning treatment.
  • Always do a patch test before therapy to establish the proper indications.
  • Refrain from using abrasive soaps or hard scrubbing on the treated area.
Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

Laser Toning for Hyperpigmentation

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