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Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

At ASC, we specialize in Hair Transplant procedure by adopting FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, which is an effective and easier alternative to traditional FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) technique. In FUE method, transplant is done by taking individual hair follicles out of the skin and implanting at the area where it is required. Agelock has become a household name for getting excellent quality fue hair transplant in Chandigarh.

FUE has garnered popularity in the recent times as the technique is less painful & provides permanent and more natural appearance as compared to FUT of which the results appeared to be more ‘hair plug’ look, which means the portion of hair and skin doesn’t match with the surrounding areas.

How does it work?

Well, it is totally subjective as the hair growth cycle shortens while we age but these days because of many unavoidable scenarios like unhealthy lifestyle, pollution, genetics people have started to get bald at all the ages, be it 20’s or later.

FUE transplant helps growing hair by replacing the old and ineffective hair follicles by new and healthy one that are still able to grow new hair. Gradually the follicles will be nourished by blood vessels and will begin to grow new hair as natural as the old ones but on the areas that had thin hair or baldness.

The healthy hair follicles can be obtained from different body parts where the expert would deem fit depending on the high density such as arms, legs, chest or even the back of the head.

Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh
Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

How long the transplant takes?

Each session varies between 4 to 8 hours and the number of sessions can be determined only after the consultation with the doctor. At ASC, we implant hair follicles one by one which is the proper procedure FUE, hence it is a little time consuming procedure but that is the reason of natural and effective results as well.

Why FUE?

  • Safe with temporary minor side-effects
  • Permanent Solution
  • Natural Appearance
  • Less Pain
  • Wonderful Results
  • Easy Healing
  • OPD Procedure
Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh
Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

FUE Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

FUE Hair Transplant

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