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Dermaplaning, a new-age procedure, has made it possible to have beautiful radiant skin in a short amount of time. This treatment removes debris and exfoliates the dead skin layer facial hair on the face, giving the face a more mature appearance.

The dermaplaning technique can treat uneven skin tone, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and other skin imperfections, but there may be temporary side effects, which the professionals at Agelock Skin & Hair Clinic are knowledgeable about and prepared to inform you about.

Derma Planing Procedure

  • There won’t be any discomfort throughout the procedure. You may experience a tingling feeling.
  • To begin, you'll lie down in a clean, comfortable room on the provider's chair. A numbing spray or local anesthetic mixed with an oral sedative, or even general anesthesia, may be used as sedation options.
  • After you've rested, your physician will scrape your skin at a 45-degree angle with an electronic or manual dermaplaning tool. This will last approximately 20 to 30 minutes as the therapist gently exfoliates the skin.
  • After the treatment, your therapist will use an aloe-based product to calm your skin. They'll also apply sunscreen to your face to keep it safe.

What to expect from the procedure?

In the two or three days following the operation, you may suffer redness or the sensation of having your skin scraped.

Although you may notice that your skin looks brighter quickly after a dermaplaning treatment, the full benefits usually take a few days to realize. In the days following the procedure, you’ll be able to see the results more clearly as any redness fades.

You’ll need to be particularly cautious about sun exposure after a dermaplaning procedure.


Risks and possible side effects

Dermaplaning is a very risk-free technique. Within few hour of treatment, you may notice a minor redness on your face. After dermaplaning, some people get whiteheads on their skin for a day or two.

If you acquire a scar due to dermaplaning, your doctor may need to inject a steroid into the scar tissue to soften it.

Another possible side effect is uneven skin pigmentation in the area where the treatment was performed, which may fade or vanish with time.



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