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Top harmful ingredients to avoid in skincare

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

April 16th, 2024

More than 10,000 ingredients are used in various ratios to prepare cosmetic products. The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has banned 11, and the European Union banned over 1000 ingredients. If you are worried about the impact of cosmetics and chemical makeup on your body, no worries. We have listed 11 harmful skincare ingredients to help you avoid toxic makeup trends. 

11 Harmful chemicals to avoid in skincare


Parabens are used in most skincare products like soaps, lotions, and shampoos, and they act as preservatives to keep our makeup free from bacteria and gems. It is speculated that parabens could lead to cancer formation. There are proven studies on the formation of estrogen, which is involved in cancer formation. Here are the list of parabens to avoid in skin care (methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, heptylparaben, isobutylparaben, isopropylparaben, benzylparaben)


Phthalates, frequently added to skincare products to enhance their texture and flexibility, are known to interfere with hormones and may negatively affect development and reproduction. Phthalates are dangerous as they do not evaporate quickly. They are present in hair products, nail paint, and fragrances.

Sodium Sulfates (SLS) & (SLES)

These chemicals, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) may penetrate the skin when you use them for a long time. These surfactants give them foam and lather in skincare products like cleansers and shampoos. But they can deplete the skin of natural oils, which can irritate and dry up the skin, especially in sensitive skin.


Formaldehyde is frequently found in skincare products, particularly in hair treatments and nail polish. Formaldehyde, being a proven human carcinogen, can irritate skin and trigger allergic reactions. Regular use of formaldehyde can lead to cancer.


Triclosan, an ingredient in antibacterial healthcare products like hand soaps and cleansers, has been linked to thyroid dysfunction and the development of antibiotic resistance. The 0.3% limit in your product is safer than that and should be avoided.

Mineral Oil

Mineral oil derived from petroleum is frequently used in skincare products such as creams and moisturizers. It may cause acne and other skin problems by blocking pores and impairing the skin’s capacity to expel pollutants. The side effects caused by mineral oil in cosmetics are rare.


Oxybenzone is a UV light-absorbing ingredient in sunscreen related to allergy responses(redness, Itching, swelling) and affects estrogen production in women and testosterone in men. Additionally, several areas have banned the use of sunscreen due to its documented impact on coral reefs.


Toluene is a solvent frequently found in nail polish and hair dyes. It can irritate the skin and give people headaches and dizziness. Extended exposure to toluene has been linked to more severe health consequences, such as nervous system impairment.

Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate)

Meanwhile, retinyl palmitate, a type of vitamin A found in skincare products, is good for the skin. However, a study by the FDA indicates retinyl palmitate develops lesions and skin tumours in sunlight. 

Synthetic Fragrances

The dozens or even hundreds of synthetic substances added to skincare products may cause allergies or irritate skin. Use items that are naturally scented or fragrance-free if you have sensitive skin. Solvents like benzene, benzyl acetate, sulfates, formaldehyde, parabens, and phthalates may cause headaches, dizziness and migraines.


Hydroquinone is a frequently used ingredient in skin-lightening and hyperpigmentation treatments. It has not been proven to have any substantial negative impact on the skin, but it can cause some side effects, especially for individuals with sensitive skin. The skin gets darker after using highly concentrated hydroquinone without proper doctor consultation.

Side Effects of Toxic Ingredients in skincare products

Synthetic scents, formaldehyde-releasing chemicals, phthalates, and parabens are hazardous compounds frequently found in skincare products. These substances can upset hormonal balance, irritate the skin, and trigger allergic reactions. Long-term health problems like reproductive disorders, organ damage, and even an elevated risk of cancer can result from prolonged exposure to these harmful ingredients in skincare products. To preserve the health of your skin and your general well-being, it’s critical to carefully read product labels and choose safe, non-toxic skincare options.

Is Skin Care Bad for Your Skin

Using skincare products that do not suit your skin with overdose can cause problems like Itching, redness, and acne breakout. Contact skin care doctors to learn about your skin type and the ingredients that suit your skin type. Using skin care tailored for your skin type without overusing it can be very helpful for your skin. Good skin care is a must, as it can help you to avoid acne, treat wrinkles and make you look younger. 


Avoid using skincare products without gathering information from professionals, as skin care is essential at any age because our collagen and elastin production in the skin decreases as we age. Consulting with a skincare doctor can help you identify the best and safest products that suit and do not suit your skin type.


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