6 Must-do Night skincare routine for glowy & healthy skin

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

July 19th, 2023

Apart from sensory function, our skin acts as a shield to our internal systems. The skin helps control body temperature, reduce harmful effects of UV radiation, store blood, etc. Hence it is imperative to indulge in activities to keep the skin healthy.

The skincare regimen reminds us of applying products like soothing cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen lotions that are a part of the morning routine for many people. However, many people neglect nighttime skincare and do not even aware of the impact on how the skin appears.

Why is taking care of your skin vital before going to bed?

After being exposed to pollutants, dust, and other particles that damage our skin throughout the day, the skin undergoes repairing mode at night.

During the nighttime, the skin’s repair system promotes collagen production, enhancing the skin’s elasticity. Likewise, melatonin hormone secretion is at its highest level. It tends to counteract skin damage.

These things indicate that nighttime skin care activities will add value to the body’s natural way of skin rejuvenation.

What is the night skincare routine you should follow?

1) Double cleansing

The first thing you should do before going to bed is give your face a good wash. It is because the skin collects pollutants and impurities that can clog pores in the skin. Hence dermatologists advise everyone should wash their face thoroughly every night to eliminate such dirt. The double cleansing includes:

  • Remove Makeup – The makeup substances you apply on the face can trap dirt and impurities. Hence it is mandatory to melt down the buildup of makeup substances and pollutants trapped by them. The oil molecules in baby oils will effectively carry out makeup removal. Hence it is better to prefer them instead of costly makeup removers.
  • Second cleanse – After makeup removal, use a cleansing foam or organic soap with organic face washes to remove the remaining impurities. It ensures the skin is cleaned thoroughly and the pores get unclogged.

2) Toning

The main objective of hydrating toners is to refine pores in your skin.

When the pores are clogged due to dirt, dead skin cells, or others, it will lead to deep irritations in the skin.

Applying toners like pure aloe vera juice will unclog them. They are also helpful in alleviating excess sebum production as well.

Likely, applying toners before going to bed helps absorb moisturizers to maintain skin oiliness. Besides these, the toners help keep the skin’s pH levels balanced to prevent inflammatory conditions like acne, eczema.

3) Apply moisturizers

Sebum is an oily substance inside our skin responsible for protecting and hydrating it. In general, the skin’s oil production is less at night, making our skin lose water more at night. Hence it is pivotal to replenish the water loss with hydrating agents.

It is why dermatologists advise everyone to apply moisturizers like organic face oil before sleeping.

Moreover, the skin’s permeability is quite high at night, so the active ingredients of moisturizers reach deeper inside the skin.

4) Eye Serums

Eye Serums are non-sticky creams designed to refine delicate skin around the eyes. Even though eye creams are also helpful in protecting skin regions surrounding the eyes, the serums are composed of ingredients that fight effectively against aging concerns.

For instance, eye creams moisturize skin near the eyes, whereas serums efficiently nourish the region to prevent eye-area skin concerns like puffiness, dark circles, fine lines, etc.

Hence, we recommend everyone incorporate eye serums into their nighttime skincare routine.

5) Overnight face masks

Overnight face masks are cream or gel to ensure bright, great-looking skin when you wake up.

Likely, they have detoxifying effects on the skin and nourishing skin with Vitamins A & C. It helps prevent developing deep wrinkles and boost skin’s elasticity.

6) Change pillow covers frequently

You might surprise while seeing this.

As your facial skin is exposed to the pillowcases constantly while sleeping, oil and bodily excrement are accumulated on the covers. In such circumstances, the impurities are reintroduced to the skin when they come into contact. It is followed by problems like skin clogging, etc.

Hence everybody should wash or replace their pillowcases once every two to three days.

Bottom line

Adhering to nighttime skin care provides several benefits, such as repairing skin cells, enhancing absorption of ingredients in skin care products, reducing skin damage, alleviating fluid loss in the skin, improving skin glow, and much more.

Meanwhile, one size does not fit all is applicable for skincare activities. It means certain ingredients in skincare products are effective for some people but not for others, and even many cause allergic reactions. It is because the skin type varies for everyone, albeit the skin structure is the same.

So if you intend to supply your skin with the essential ingredients, consult a skin doctor before starting your morning and nighttime skincare routine.  

6 Must-do Night skincare routine for glowy & healthy skin
6 Must-do Night skincare routine for glowy & healthy skin
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