How to remove your makeup in a proper way

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

August 30th, 2023

When you get home after a long, exhausting day or weekend night, you may tempted to skip removing your makeup before going to bed. Probably, you may think that it doesn’t seem a big deal. But leaving your makeup overnight is not good for your skin. It will clog your pores and lead to acne and breakouts. So, removing makeup before going to bed is essential. Keep reading this blog article from our skilled dermatologist in Chandigarh to get their best effective pro techniques to remove every last bit of makeup in your skin to achieve a flawless, makeup-free face. 

Remove your makeup by using a cleanser

Many women tend to wash their face with soap or face wash. Using soap or facewash also really helps remove your makeup. It can actually get rid of residue and prep your skin for a good night regimen. Many of us just wipe off our faces before bed, but the makeup really is not completely removed. 

Using a good cleanser will do wonders for your skin than using regular soap because it prevents allergic reactions, irritation, and general sensitivities to soap. You can even use coconut oil to remove makeup which is a natural makeup removal used in ancient times. 

You can remove long-wear waterproof lipsticks by applying some oil and giving it a massage for a couple of minutes.

Ensure to cleanse the edge of your eyelid

The one zone that is commonly neglected while removing makeup is the edge of your eyelid, where the mascara and eyeliner can accumulate over time and lead to irritation of the eyes. If you are using waterproof mascara or eyeliner or very heavy eye makeup you can use oil-based cleanser it will easily dissolve waterproof makeup so that you don’t need to scrub or pull on your lashes. 

Cleanse your hairline and push your hair back.

We completely understand that pulling your hair back in a ponytail or tying it up seems like too much effort especially if it is past midnight. When washing your face you are likely to stop a few inches short of your hairline. Also, many of us often leave makeup residue around our hairline without cleansing it properly, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Simply take a few seconds to tie it back, or put on a terry cap to make sure you get all of your makeup off.

Utilize the advantage of steam heat

Also, you can steam your face before cleansing which helps remove dirt and impurities from your skin. Fill a bowl with hot water and place your face over it for five to ten minutes. It will penetrate deeper into the remove any makeup and dirt. You can enhance it by adding some essential oils to get a spa-like experience.  

Be gentle with your skin

The skin of your face is more delicate than your body’s skin. So you should gently remove your makeup without making your skin hurt. Like exfoliating your body with a loofah, the same pressure you put on your face skin to exfoliate is harmful and it is unnecessary as well. Dont do too much exfoliation because it will degrade your skin

Into dry akin and leads to rough patches and rashes. 

Apply a small quantity of oil with your fingers to your lips, brows, and eyelids then gently massage the oil all over your face. You don’t need to rub vigorously as this will soften your skin and remove any makeup. Don’t forget to remove makeup on your jaw, neck, and hairline. These areas are essential too, particularly your neck area which is most prone to showing signs of premature aging. Moreover, keep in mind that applying moisturizer, lip balm and an eye cream followed by makeup removal is a very very must. 

Wrapping Up

No matter what skin type you have cleansing your skin thoroughly before going to bed is more important. Commit and implement those tips into your daily skincare routine to achieve makeup-free, healthy skin. If you have any queries related to skincare and haircare you can feel free to reach us.  

How to remove your makeup in a proper way
How to remove your makeup in a proper way
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