The ultimate guide to choosing the perfect oily skin face serum

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

August 8th, 2023

Serums (or) Face Serums are liquid-based skin care products formulated with a high concentration of active ingredients. The highly concentrated formulation ensures the molecules pass through and nourish the skin deeply inside. Skincare experts also reveal that serums are excellent skin lubricators and deliver quicker solutions than moisturizers and lotions.

Aside from confronting skin concerns like dryness, dullness, and wrinkles, the serums deliver numerous benefits depending on the type of serum an individual utilizes. Dermatologists recommend facial serums for people with oily skin.

It is because oily skin can easily clog pores, increasing the risk of getting various skin problems like acne, visible pores, super shiny zone, etc.

If you want to know the essential tips to pick the suitable face serum to combat these problems, keep reading what the skin experts of our Chandigarh skin care clinic have told you.

What effects does a face serum have on oily skin?

Your skin will become oily when it produces sebum excessively.

When the overly-produced sebum combines with dead skin cells, it will obstruct the pores inside the skin. The pores are small openings through which the oil and sweats reach the surface for skin hydration. When dirt, dead cells, build-up of makeup particles, or others trap inside the pores, the pores become inflamed and bumpy.

In such circumstances, the enlarged pores appear dark and lead to skin concerns like pimples, cysts, and various skin blemishes.

Hence people with oily skin types should utilize skin care products to unclog the pores. Facial serums will aid them in this process.

It is because the serums are formulated with sebum-balancing properties. Besides unclogging the pores to reduce breakouts, combining highly concentrated active ingredients and anti-inflammatory properties improves the skin texture and tone.

To put it simply, people with oily skin types can avert skin breakouts and improve their skin health through serums.

What should you look for choosing a face serum for oily skin?

Different types of facial serums from various brands are available in the market, so it is pivotal to know the tips to pick the suitable oily skin face serum.

1) Natural Ingredients

Make sure the serum you purchase contains natural ingredients like tea tree oil, neem, plant extracts, and others. These natural substances are effective in regulating oil production and preventing skin blemishes.

Likely, it is better to look at the concentration of active ingredients in the topical product. You can reap the benefits of oily skin face serums if the concentration is too high or too low.

2) Non-comedogenic

Non-comedogenic products are devoid of ingredients like coconut oil, avocado oil, and others that block the skin pores. However, components like salicylic acid can exfoliate the blockages in pores to unclog the skin and prevent acne. As discussed in the above section, the serums are composed of tea tree oil, also a salicylic acid source.

Hence, it is better to check the label to ensure the serum is non-comedogenic.

3) Lightweight Texture

Some skin care products are greasy. Even though they protect and hydrate the skin, they are not suitable for oily skin types. Hence you should prefer serums with lightweight textures.

As they are non-greasy, they can easily be absorbed by the skin and do not block the pores.

Hence it is essential to take a look if the serum is composed of lightweight ingredients like water or gel-based substances.

4) Anti-inflammatory properties

Overproduction of sebum causes inflammation, followed by enlargement in pores within the skin. Hence dermatologists prescribe skincare products with anti-inflammatory properties for those who have naturally oily skin.

The serums are not an exception. Ensure the skin care product contains ingredients to calm inflammation and redness.

5) Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful hydrating agent that can improve the water content inside the skin whilst balancing the production of oil glands. It means this acidic substance will hydrate your skin without making it greasy.

Hence, everyone should check if the serum has hyaluronic acid.

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