Balancing Hormones with Diet: Foods that Help Control Acne

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

September 18th, 2024

Instead of considering acne a mere skin problem, it is most often associated with hormonal issues. There is nothing wrong with using some lotions, but let’s not forget that food has a significant impact on hormones and, thus, on the skin. The diet that one takes can help a great deal in reducing the hormonal level that causes acne. In this blog, you’ll learn about the foods that are beneficial for hormonal balance and how to control acne healthily. We will also look at how changing your diet is also an effective way of fighting acne from inside the body.

How Hormones Affect Acne

Hormonal imbalance is one of the primary root causes of acne. However, when there is an imbalance in your hormones, particularly androgens hormones such as testosterone, your skin oil glands get stimulated. Further, it accumulates with the dead skin and blocks your skin pores, forming a pimple or acne. Hormonal changes such as during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or even stress can cause skin breakouts. However, the following are some foods that may influence these hormones, thus causing acne or keeping them at bay.

Foods That Help Balance Hormones and Control Acne

Eating proper foods also prevents the secretion of certain hormones, which leads to acne breakouts. Below are some foods that have been proven to balance hormones and improve skin health:

1. Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, and arugula, for instance, are good examples of vegetables. They can be consumed as they contain antioxidants and vitamins and are good sources of fibre as well. These vegetables assist in decreasing inflammation and this is very essential as it sometimes triggers acne.

  • Kale: Loaded with antioxidants blamed for assaulting skin cells.
  • Arugula: Rich in Vitamin K, which helps with blood circulation and proper skin health.
  • Spinach: It contains vitamin A, which is essential in controlling the secretion of oil on the skin.

They are especially good for skin health as long as they make up part of your meals, therefore, no breakouts.

2. Fatty Fish

Here are some of the fish and seafood that are good and contain omega-3 fatty acids; salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These fats help in reducing inflammation in the body and also aid in the regulation of the body’s hormonal systems.

  • Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acid, which possesses remarkable properties to reduce skin inflammation.
  • Mackerel: There is a high content of EPA and DHA, which help in the proper functioning of hormones in the body.
  • Sardines: Another omega-3 fatty-acid, rich fish that enhances the hormonal balance and skin in the body.

It described how to intake fatty fish at least twice a week. This can greatly affect the reduction of acne on facial skin and even skin quality.

3. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds contain fatty acids, zinc, and selenium. Further, they play important roles in the production of hormones and give one an appealing skin.

  • Almonds: High in vitamin E, which protects the skin from damage.
  • Walnuts: Contain omega-3s and zinc, which support hormone balance.
  • Chia Seeds: A great plant-based source of omega-3s that help reduce skin inflammation.

Snacking on a handful of nuts or adding seeds to your meals can help control breakouts and improve skin health.

4. Probiotic-Rich Foods

Prebiotics such as foods like yoghourts, kefir, and sauerkraut assist to enhance the health of people’s guts. Probiotics are good for the gut, which ensures that women have good hormones and clear skin.

  • Yoghourt: Filled with live cultures that justify the benefits of a healthy gut and hormone balance.
  • Kefir: A drink with organisms that fight inflammation in the process of fermenting your favourite crop.
  • Sauerkraut: Some of the studies also point to the fact that sauerkraut enhances the number of good bacteria in the gut, thus decreasing acne.

The intake of foods with probiotics supports your digestive system better as compared to the one who takes foods with little or no probiotics at all. This will also contribute to reducing acne which is contributed by hormonal imbalances.

5. Whole Grains

Foods that are rich in low glycemic index include some types of grains, such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats. This means that they are not associated with high glycemic index. Furthermore, this assists in controlling insulin level that has an impact on hormone secretion as well as acne.

  • Quinoa: A gluten-free grain rich in protein and fibre, which stabilises blood sugar levels.
  • Brown Rice: Provides essential B vitamins that support hormone regulation.
  • Oats: Prevent fluctuation of blood sugar levels in the body; hence, the chances of hormonal imbalance will be minimised

Replacing refined grains with whole grains enables one to have a more stable blood sugar level. So, one does not have hormonal fluctuations that cause acne.

6. Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli beans, cauliflower, and even Brussels sprouts contain compounds. They help the liver metabolise oestrogen, balancing hormone levels and reducing acne.

  • Broccoli: Contains sulphur compounds that help detoxify the body.
  • Cauliflower: High in fibre and antioxidants that support hormone health.
  • Brussels Sprouts: Aid in oestrogen metabolism, balancing hormonal levels.

Consuming cruciferous vegetables can supply the body with balanced oestrogen and improve the skin texture of individuals with acne problems. Why? Such vegetables have anti-inflammatory effects.

7. Berries

Most types of berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and so on have what are called Anti-oxidants. These are foods that help in reducing inflammation as well as oxidative stress as they are causes of hormonal acne.

  • Strawberries: Contain vitamin C, would prevent acne as it helps to reduce inflammation
  • Raspberries: Rich in fibre, which aids digestion and balance of hormones, salivary glands, and white blood cells.
  • Blueberries: It contains Vitamin A and antioxidant components that are good for the face and for the skin in general.

Eating a bowl of berries in the morning or whenever you feel like snacking will enable you to have clear skin. How? Berries reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

8. Green Tea

Catechins, which are present in green tea, have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that decrease acne. It also includes substances that will help to control secretions of insulin and androgens, both of which are associated with acne.

  • Catechins: These are great antioxidant compounds that help in minimising skin irritation.
  • EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): Reduces the secretion of hormones in the body and also treats oily skin effectively.

Green tea should be consumed daily and ideally. A couple of cups of green tea reduces the commonness of acne and helps regulate hormones.

Foods to Avoid for Better Skin

Just as certain types of foods have been known to restore hormonal balance and manage acne, certain foods also contribute to the worsening of acne. One should thus avoid these foods so that they avoid more breakouts and thus support their complexions. Here they are:

  • Sugary Foods

More sugar intake leads to insulin surges that could disrupt hormonal balance and increase acne as well. Excluded and restricted sugary snacks and drinks go a long way in regulating hormones.

  • Dairy Products

Milk can also stimulate the secretion of hormones that cause the breakout of pimples. This is because milk, cheese, and yoghurt are some of the many foods that are causes of acne which affects people with sensitive skin.

Processed Foods

Most processed foods have unhealthy fats, refined sugars, and additives that throw off the body’s hormones. Another benefit of whole and natural food choices is that they can make the skin healthier.

By steering clear of these foods, one can easily regulate hormones with ease and acquire healthy skin.

Closing Thoughts

Eating a well-balanced diet helps control acne through hormonal balance. This means that by consuming foods that are high in nutrients, antioxidants, and healthy fat, you can assist your skin from within. One should also ensure that they do not consume foods that have been processed and or contain a lot of sugar since this, too, has an impact on the skin. Plus, changing your diet enables you to regulate hormonal balances and skin problems and have confident skin. Do not forget that even our skin depends on what we eat, and it is high time we change our diets.



Balancing Hormones with Diet: Foods that Help Control Acne
Balancing Hormones with Diet: Foods that Help Control Acne
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