How to correct 7 skincare mistakes you’re doing?

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology

October 10th, 2022

To have clean, youthful-looking skin, we spend more money on skincare products than we’d like to admit. Even if beauty fanatics like us would argue that there’s no harm in it, what hurts the most is when we really damage our skin despite using pricey moisturizers and serums.

Implementing an appropriate skincare regimen should be your first step if you want to learn how to enhance your skin.

Avoid these frequent skincare blunders you’re undoubtedly doing to achieve that. Sometimes our typical lifestyle issues like stress and hormone imbalance are to blame, while other times it’s the unintentional regular skincare blunders we do.

1) Using Toxic Cosmetics

Numerous harmful substances find their way into our goods on a daily basis. Many of which can have an impact on your general health, including altering hormones, raising your chance of developing certain malignancies, irritating your skin, bringing on allergic responses, and more.

This implies that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid poisons. That, though, is a lot to ask. Try to commit a couple of the worst offenders to memory. There are some harmful compounds that should always be avoided among the tens of thousands of potential components.

Parabens, Phthalates, Triclosan, artificial sunscreen filters, and synthetic scent are a few of them.

2) Ignoring the Fact That Dry Skin Is Essentially Oily Skin

If you’ve believed you have oily skin your whole life, we’re going to shock you with the reality. Even while you may naturally have oilier skin than others, this might also indicate that your skin is dry.

This is how it functions: Your skin produces more oil as a form of overcompensation when it is dehydrated. While it may appear that you have oily skin from this, your skin is actually attempting to warn you that it needs more moisture. Particularly, skin that is dry requires increased water content.

How to correct this skincare error: Don’t be wary of hydrating substances and products. Try using facial oils prescribed by dermatologists.

3) Exfoliating Excessively or Insufficiently

Chemical and physical exfoliators are the two basic categories of exfoliators. There are several schools of thought on which kind is superior, but everyone can agree that over- or under-exfoliating is a frequent skincare blunder.

Typically, professionals recommend utilizing physical exfoliators only when absolutely necessary. Exfoliating beads in face scrubs have the potential to harm the skin over time.

Exfoliants don’t need to be fully eliminated just because they might irritate your skin. They should merely be savored sparingly, like so many of the greatest things in life.

4) Using Sunscreen Only Throughout the Summer

The purpose of sunscreen goes beyond only preventing tanning, hyperpigmentation, and early aging. It is effective in preventing major issues like skin cancer.

So, whether it’s pouring, snowing, or sunny, select to apply sunscreen every single day to reduce the chance of being a victim of it. Simply said, whether or not you should use sunscreen should not depend on the time of year or the weather.

If you use exfoliating elements in your skincare regimen, using this product is even more important. Our skin gets more brittle and susceptible to UV damage as a result of their sloughing off the dead skin cells. A minimum SPF of 30 must always be applied.

5) Using the Incorrect Sequence to Apply Products

Applying skincare products is often done in the following order: thinnest consistency first, followed by thicker, creamier products. For instance, you shouldn’t use eye cream over moisturizer since the thicker consistency items always obstruct the lighter ones, making it impossible for the eye cream to penetrate the moisturizer.

As a result, the effectiveness of that powerful substance will be diminished and you won’t receive the intended outcome.

6) Finishing Your Skincare Routine Just Before Night

Since the skin regenerates and heals itself at night, having a correct nighttime skincare regimen is crucial. However, it is advised to finish this process an hour before going to bed so that they have time to absorb and act on your skin rather than slough off into your pillowcase.

7) Waiting a Few Minutes to Moisturize After Cleaning

You may be familiar with the feeling of dry, itchy skin after washing, whether you wash your face in the shower or at the sink. Although dryness is common after a shower or wash, hot water and abrasive cleaners can make it worse.

In fact, taking hot showers might harm your skin. Hot water cleansing can cause the skin to become too dry, irritated, and itchy.

When moisturizing after a shower becomes important in this situation. The skin is more vulnerable to increased dryness and dehydration if the moisturizer is neglected straight afterward. After a shower, the skin could feel uncomfortable and tight, which can aggravate the condition.


Sometimes we commit errors without even being aware of them. You’re probably trying to figure out how to get better skin using a good skincare regimen. It’s simple to overburden yourself and your skin by following too much or too little of the advice that’s available.

How to correct 7 skincare mistakes you’re doing?
How to correct 7 skincare mistakes you’re doing?
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